Recombinant measles AIK-C vaccine expressing the hemagglutinin (HA) protein of\ninfluenza A/Sapporo/107/2013(H1N1pdm) (MVAIK/PdmHA) was constructed. Measles particle\nagglutination (PA) and influenza hemagglutinin inhibition (HI) antibodies were induced in cotton\nrats immunized with MVAIK/PdmHA. Cotton rats immunized with two doses of the HA split vaccine\nwere used as positive controls, and higher HI antibodies were detected 3 weeks after the first dose.\nFollowing the challenge of A/California/07/2009(H1N1pdm), higher viral loads (107 TCID50/g) were\ndetected in the lung homogenates of cotton rats immunized with the empty vector (MVAIK) or control\ngroups than those immunized with MVAIK/Pdm HA (103 TCID50/g) or the group immunized with\nHA split vaccine (105 TCID50/g). Histopathologically, destruction of the alveolar structure, swelling\nof broncho-epithelial cells, and thickening of the alveolar wall with infiltration of inflammatory\ncells and HA antigens were detected in lung tissues obtained from non-immunized rats and those\nimmunized with the empty vector after the challenge, but not in those immunized with the HA spilt\nor MVAIK/PdmHA vaccine...................